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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today's a Great Day to be Born!

In case you didn't get the memo, today is my birthday! I thought I'd share a picture of the great cake that my younger sisters, Calyn & Camryn, made to celebrate my special day.

I'm in the office this morning and have given myself until 9:33am to be less than productive, so I thought I'd Google my birthday horoscope. (I love putting my fate and fortune in the hands of random Google returns. It's the perfect way to plan one's life...and waste minutes that I can't get back!)

Here's what I learned today from Cafe

An optimistic attitude can carry you far this year. Enthusiasm runs very high. It's an especially strong period in your life for enterprise and personal opportunities. Relationships are stimulating this year. You are eager to take on a challenge and happily engage in friendly competition.

2009 is a Number Four year for you. Ruled by Uranus. This is a year of work and development. It's "nose to the grindstone" time. It's a time to deal with practical matters, and it's not a time to be lazy or especially gregarious. Sometimes, it can be a year that feels hard, monotonous and routine, and/or lonely. Advice - get yourself organized, work to build your resources, keep busy.

2010 will be a Number Five year for you. Ruled by Mercury. This is a year of exploration and freedom. It's a time when exploration and reaching out to others brings opportunities. It's a good time to advertise and sell. Surprises are in store, and the routine is broken. This is a year when exciting relationships can be formed, or, if you are already in a partnership, new life is breathed into the relationship. Advice - explore, look for adventure, keep your eyes open for opportunities, mingle.

Hmmm...sounds like an astrologer who reads the business section. Here's to optimism, adventure, and working hard this year and beyond!

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