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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just Another Day of Awesomeness: KForce rocks it at the IOA 5K!

Ok, so I might be using the term “rocks it” loosely but we did participate, raise some money, and demonstrate extreme athletic prowess. Kirsten Lynch, our crazy “I’m going to run this race with a broken foot because I’m that tough” Finance and Accounting Account Manager did an excellent job organizing our team, scouting a great tent spot near the beer tent, collecting money (not an easy task, believe me!), and buying some of the best snacks around. Ryan Bell, Angel Diaz, and Brian Coffey did an excellent job “supervising” the tent and sitting there (networking, of course!) while everyone else ran. Blair Sehnert was a shining example of KForce’s core values, namely “Commitment and Fun”, as she worked the crowd (photo above) with some flashy cheerleading moves and good-girl charm.

KForce had quite the team of athletes lined up for the race. Denise, Jessica, and I demonstrated extreme skill by completing the race in an impressive 57 minutes (Bruce Jenner-I've got your number) and Rob and Kim perfected their walk/trot/run technique and sailed through the finish line at 45 minutes. And Kirsten? She beat us all (partially crippled, too) with a time of 32 minutes.

Overall, this was a great event to be apart of. In addition to a commitment to being fabulous (ok, those are my words, not Dave Dunkel’s), KForce is a big believer in giving back and community involvement. We understand the importance of taking care of others and I think that is one thing that makes us stand out as an organization and one of the (many!) reasons I am proud to work here.

In total, over 11,000 runners and walkers showed up to partake in the 15th Annual Corporate 5k at Lake Eola and there were over 540 teams participating. All money raised was distributed to several local charities, including Parramore Kidz Zone, Christian Service Center, and Orlando Runners Club Scholarship Fund. To learn more about this event and/or the charities it served, please visit:

For those of you that participated in the IOA 5k, thank you! For those of you that didn’t, you definitely missed out on an opportunity to earn some good karma…and burn a few calories. I trust that you will be feeling more charitable next year!


Unknown said...

Congrats, Megan! You rock!

Anonymous said...

Loves it!!